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Grades 4 -8

Sailing Program with Carrollton Athletics and STEM Faculty

Ocean Explorers

Rising Grades 4th & 5th

有兴趣通过海滨运动和亲身探索来了解更多足球博彩网站排名海洋的知识? In Ocean Explorers, 营员们将参加各种各样的活动,比如帆船运动, kayaking, paddleboarding, and swimming each day. With Biscayne Bay as our classroom, 营员们将亲身学习当地生态系统和海洋生物,并培养他们的水上安全技能. 时间将花在陆地上,以及创造艺术和手工艺品, playing field games, and participating in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities.

S.E.A. Camp

Rising Grades 6th-8th

Our S.E.A (Sailing, Environment, 探险营是一个全天的项目,重点是教授航海的基础知识,以及探索海洋生物学和海洋保护. Throughout the session, 营员们将一起学习驾驶双人帆船,并参加游泳活动和实践项目,如物种追踪, mangrove restoration, and water quality testing in Biscayne Bay. 时间将花在陆地上,以及创造艺术和手工艺品, playing field games, and participating in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) activities. No prior sailing experience is required!

Tennis with Elevate Tennis

Rising Grades 4th - 6th

与Elevate Tennis合作推出令人兴奋的网球训练营,为年轻运动员提供充满活力和丰富的体验! 由经验丰富的网球教练艾米莉亚和多米尼克·埃斯帕萨带领, 这个有趣而引人入胜的夏令营是为孩子们设计的,目的不仅仅是学习网球技能. As they step onto the court, campers will grasp the fundamentals of tennis, including techniques, strategies, and sportsmanship. Additionally, 他们将通过培养对积极和健康生活方式的热爱来提高他们的整体幸福感. Our Tennis Camp prioritizes teamwork, enthusiasm, and discipline, 创造一个环境,让孩子们可以在他们的网球之旅中相互合作和支持. Beyond refining their tennis skills, campers will forge new friendships, boost their confidence, and embrace the value of perseverance. 今年夏天加入我们的网球夏令营,超越球场, offering a comprehensive experience that shapes young minds, builds character, and instills a passion for the sport. 这种体验包括网球指导,以及艺术、工艺和娱乐游戏. We can't wait to share the joy of tennis with your child!

Athletics by Carrollton

Rising Grades 4th - 8th

我们的男女同校卡罗尔顿运动营是一个致力于发展基本运动技能的深度项目. 营员按年级分成小组,以创建基于水平的竞争团队. 这个多运动专业营地是为运动爱好者设计的. Each day the campers enjoy a “sport of the day,” focusing on a variety of sports such as Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer, Beach Volleyball, and Lacrosse. 日常活动还包括各种其他运动和营地活动, 包括每天的游泳课和野外休闲运动.

The Art Exploration with the Artsy Hippo

Rising Grades 4th - 8th

Give your child the gift of a creatively enriching summer! 踏上与卡罗莱纳布兰科,艺术河马的主人艺术之旅! 在为期两周的课程中,与她一起全面探索各种艺术技术和媒介. From Painting and Drawing to Printmaking, Sculpting and Mixed Media, 我们的夏令营提供丰富多样的艺术体验,并将为创造力和表达提供一个充满活力和鼓舞人心的环境. Carolina, a Miami-based artist, 拥有泰尔尼美女艺术学院绘画硕士学位, Italy, 以及佛罗伦萨意大利学院的绘画专业证书. With a lifelong passion for art, she specializes in mixed media collages, acrylic paintings, and watercolors. 卡罗莱纳也是迈阿密当代艺术学院的一名教学艺术家. 她的作品曾在全球展出,并被多个国家的私人收藏. This summer experience includes morning art instruction, followed by lunch, daily swimming, and recreational play in the afternoons.

Performing Arts with Movement Miami

Rising 4th - 8th

今年夏天,我们的表演艺术营将带着我们精心制作的节目“几十年的音乐剧”深入到音乐剧的世界." From the golden age classics to contemporary hits, campers will journey through the decades, discovering iconic songs, scenes, and dances that have shaped the world of musical theater. 准备好扮演不同时代的角色吧! 营员们将有机会穿上代表不同年代的服装, bringing the magic of each musical to life. 他们将通过参与工作坊来提高自己的声乐和舞蹈技巧,并学习不同音乐剧的精彩曲目, 在我们经验丰富的迈阿密运动教练的指导下磨练他们的才能! 迈阿密运动致力于通过表演艺术丰富每个孩子的生活,我们拥有令人难以置信的导师和促进创造力的培养环境, confidence, and imagination. 这种经历包括表演艺术指导以及艺术和手工艺, daily swimming and recreational play, sports, 和沙滩排球在我们的沙滩排球场在水.

Cooking with Chef Alexandra Golovac

Rising 4th - 8th

Calling all aspiring young chefs! 我们为你准备了一个很棒的烹饪夏令营,你的家人也会喜欢的! C.H.E.F. has a mission to teach kids of all ages how to prepare meals, learn about all foods, health and wellness, good eating habits, teamwork, sharing, and table manners, which all lead to a healthy balanced lifestyle. 孩子们将能够展示他们的创造力,并与其他年轻厨师一起学习团队合作. Your child will create meals that look great, taste great, and, more importantly, are made from the healthiest, nutrient-dense ingredients. Of course, eating their creation is the best part! Kids love to show off their hard work and accomplishments. It will also teach campers how to use math skills, reading, and even science as we work through the lesson's recipe. C.H.E.F. 这是一个专注于食物的多面项目吗, 健康的饮食习惯也让孩子们接触到许多宝贵的生活技能. Lets get cooking! 厨师Alexandra Golovac通过教学和分享烹饪经验,带来了她对食物和烹饪探索的热情. 她在波士顿大学获得烹饪学位和美食研究硕士学位, 以及健康营养师认证和马里兰大学临床营养和综合健康综合健康硕士认证. 这个夏天的体验包括早上的烹饪指导, followed by lunch, daily swim and recreational play afternoons.